My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

Monday, January 9, 2012

Finisher Goals for 2012

If you've talked to me or even visited my Facebook page once recently, you'll notice two conversational pieces that have become quite overwhelming in my life. One is an adapted vehicle which I am currently saving, selling, and raising money for this year. There will be more details to come on this in the near future but if want to donate or learn more about this right now, click here. Two is John Acuff - my new favorite author, blogger, etc. I have posted his blog posts, chuckled at his statuses, read them to others, and probably annoyed people with my John Acuff obsession. Visit his blog here!

But at the end of 2011, he challenged his readers to put together finisher goals for 2012. These are similar and a more focused way of achieving New Years resolutions. Did I say easier? Nope, neither did he. You can read his blog to learn more about his challenge but basically making specific, realistic goals which if worked at can be achieved within or before the years end, if not much sooner. The idea being if I finish all my goals by June, I can always create new Finisher goals to work on. I loved this notion as last year I had a long list of resolutions, some completed and some not touched at all. Although creating my list of 5 finisher goals almost became a goal. :)

Bek's 5 (but actually 6) Finisher Goals for 2012:
1. Finish 12 books that I currently own but have not yet completed - one per month
2. Dedicate one workout a week to train and roll up to 5 miles inside and outside
3. Pay off two student loans
4. Study two major doctrinal points, first with the Bible and second Wayne Grudem
5. Obtain an adapted vehicle
6. Read through the Merrian-Webster 10th Edition dictionary

Rather than just making broad resolutions like "lose weight" or "read more" the finisher goals have allowed me to make achievable and specific outlines to work on the greater desires.

What New Year resolutions or Finisher Goals have you made for 2012??

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I love the specificity of making goals. That's definitely the key!
