My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Jobs I'd like to do but it would be super ridiculous:

Being a home realtor - Great commissions but can you imagine me - "well I can't actually go upstairs with you but tell me what you think. Also could you help me up the front stairs?"

Deliver mail/pizza - this may be similar but can you imagine…"um I can't reach your maibox but can you take this from me? Or will you please take your boiling, lava hot pizza off my lap?"

Farm aid or large animal raiser: "Let me just get over this grassy area so I can help you get home and then milk you, Daisy.. Just give me three hours"

A barber/cosmetologist - Yeah sure, I can't even see over your head sitting, let along properly hold a pair of scissors but don't worry, "You're in good hands."

Thankfully this small list of professions took me a while to come up with because I generally am not limited by my wheelchair and have many goals or dreams that I can accomplish without much difficulty. What professions would be ridiculous for you to do? Or what are some others I could add to mine?

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