My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Troking

Many of you know that snow if probably my least favorite thing. Snow tends to make troking with much more difficult. I actually don't have anything to complain about this year. Besides this blizzard, we have had very little snow or precipitation. Right now the blizzard is making entire cities shut down, schools to close, crazy shoppers stocking up as if we're going to be stuck for the next 6 months, and an abundance of new facebook statuses. Really this blizzard doesn't overly affect my life right now since leaving the house seems to happen only in necessity or because I'm going out to visit a friend. But I have a somewhat amusing story about snow this year...

So it was the Saturday after Christmas. I had spent the morning reuniting with my church friends for breakfast. Afterwards, my dad came with Jacob and Jay to pick me up from the house. We head over to my house and spend an hour or so there. It was time to take Jacob and Jay back to their apartment. I put on my coat and purse to head over with them. At the time, there was probably about 6 inches of snow on the ground from our white Christmas. I wheel out the side door with the guys. Jay was about to hold onto the back of my wheelchair as I was going down our slippery, wooden amp but I was to quick for him. My thought was, I'm used to doing this on my own anyways. Well instead of gradually speeding down the ramp and turning into the driveway as I was accustomed to doing, I raced down the ramp without catching my speed and go full throttle into the snow bank at the bottom of the ramp. When my front wheels hit the snow bank, I lurch face-forward into the snow. I wish this would've been recorded for hilarity and viewing for years to come, but unfortunately it was not. Jacob and Jay immediately come to see if I was alright but also laughing because they thought it was somewhat purposeful. I finally pick my face up out of the snow and already can feel the mascara running partly because of the wet snow and partly because of tears. My entire body was covered and wet. Jacob looked at me and asked if I still wanted to go with them. My already shivering body answered no. I needed time to warm up and dry off. They helped me into my chair as I had been launched forward unable to save myself in anyway. I got inside laughing and shivering at the turn of events. Instead of driving out that day, I gave Jacob a chilly hug and stayed home.

It didn't take long for my body to recover and for me to laugh about what happened. Blizzard or not, snow is not my friend. I often tell people, "If snow fell in a way that it was never on sidewalks, streets, or driveways, I would love this time of year." Unfortunately it tends to snow all over rather than in a pattern to my own liking.


  1. I laughed, I admit, but I agree with you, I really don't like snow that much either. I like it for the first day, the pretty factor, and then I'm done. Hope you have a good snow day at home!

  2. Bek, this is hysterical. It reminded me of the time you went rolling at high speed down the sidewalk by the library towards the road with us yelling, "Bek, slow down!!!" To which you replied, "It's okay, the cars will stop."

  3. Oh, I miss you Bek! You did a good job of telling this story. I love your last line especially. Big hugs on this snow day!
