My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Odd Jobs :)

I'm pretty sure I don't know how to just sit around (Ironic, isn't it?). In college, I was constantly involved in groups, events, what-have-you. Actually this started at a young age when I was involved as a Jr. Naturalist for my backyard Nature Center, involved in 4H, church events, and writing my own newspaper called Bekah's Babble. This past summer, after graduating from TIU I had an internship with Advocate Healthcare for 20 hours a week. This internship didn't start until June so I had two weeks to rest up from college craziness. That resting lasted a weekend plus two days. I started working on the campaign full time and then that moved to part time when my internship came up. I worked the campaign until it was over. Ok, this was the time to look for a job which became my full time job and in a way it still is.

Because it is hard to find a job right now, this search has taken longer than expected. But despite the lack of a full time position, I still am working odd jobs - any and all that I can pick up. I tutor, shred documents, copy edit resumes, work with my dad, and sell lemonade. Ok, the selling lemonade hasn't happened yet. But seriously I try to do every possible thing I can to keep busy.

So do you have any odd jobs that you need help with liken shredding that box of old documents, sprucing up that resume or cover letter, tutoring your child, or someone to mix that lemonade concentrate? Well, I'm available and pretty flexible!! Give me a call, text, email, tweet, facebook comment, smoke signals, etc.! I would love to help you or your friends out! :D


  1. I for one am always a fan of a good ol' smoke signal. I'll be sure to sent a flare with it just for the added zing!
