See it now??? Now every time you see those Fedex trucks on the road, you will only be able to see the arrow. Some people find this annoying. I love it. My dear professor, Wayne, showed us the arrow image in my desktop publishing class. I've never looked at the Fedex logo the same. (I'm sitting in Starbucks and have seen three trucks since starting this random blog.)
I love learning these random facts of life and sharing them with others. I hope as to not to come across in a boastful, all-knowing way; because I am far from that. If you know of a job where I could do this, I'm totally in. Observing and learning these random facts is one of the missions in my life, but ultimately my goal is to pay it forward to the person sitting in the driver seat next to me as they learn a random tidbit. Hopefully you can never look at a FedEx truck the same again.
I never knew!