My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

Friday, April 22, 2011

God's overwhelming Love

This week has been extremely intense, in some of the best ways possible. On Sunday, I was feeling pretty defeated over my job hunt situation. I talked with my friend Tony who snapped me back into the reality of putting my focus on to the things of God and how He takes care of my every need. After this discussion and some prayer, I made the decision to fast from looking for a job for the entire week. I told a few people this plan but basically decided to just spend the time that I would looking for a job in the Word and prayer.
Monday morning I had spent an extended time in the Psalms really soaking up the cries and prayers of David. Later that morning I received a call from an unknown number which ended up being AIM (Analysts in Motion) Consulting services with a job that they were interested in me applying for. I went in the next day for a person interview with AIM and to talk about the job.
By Thursday, I went into Allstate Insurance and interview for a Recruiters Assistant position. It was pretty nerve-wracking as I was going into the corporate offices. I basically went through a pre-interview with one of the AIM consultants which was good because it calmed some of my fears and helped me process through some thing to talk about before the interview. At the end of the interview, I felt confident in the way I had presented myself but really unsure about whether I would get the job.
The entire week I was really praying that God's will would take place through all of it. I had so many people supporting me through this week which was amazing! Even my old manager from Advocate called me and asked about if I had heard from them yet because she had been called as a manager. Friday I was a nervous wreck having a panic attack whenever my phone made any noise. But I knew that God was in control and I was going to still be in His Hands no matter what.
I got a call at about 1:30 from AIM saying they didn't have any final answers yet but asked me if I was still excited and would be able to come fill out paper work that day. About half an hour later, my phone rang again. I think I nearly died before answering. Ultimately, my consultant Steven told me I got the job with Allstate and that I needed to come in right away to fill out paper work. Anyone want to guess what my first reaction was? I cried. like almost sobbed.

I have been looking for a job for nearly 6 months and it had finally happened. Not in my timing - if it were my choice I would've been working in December. But God was taking care of me during this entire time. He knew I would be making new friends during this period and I needed the opportunity to develop those, He knew I needed to learn to depend on him 100 percent through a breaking of my life, He knew I needed to give Him control before I was ready to step out into the job life again.

Ultimately He has shown His overwhelming love for me this week, this month, and even more so during this time of looking for a job. A chapter in the Bible which has really impacted my time is 1 Peter 5 but verse 7 has specifically comforted me.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

He cares for me and wants me to express my anxieties! Oh boy, have I taken that to heart!!! We are all going to have our own stories when adventuring out into the world and are looking for jobs. Ultimately I may only spend 6 months at Allstate or I may be there for years. But God has brought me through a lot over these past 6 months. I would have never learned the seriousness of dependency that I need to have on him if I would've been given the first job that I interviewed for because I got it on my own. I didn't even apply for this job - they sought after me because of my resume on Monster. When I let God take control of my life, His stories that He gives me are the best! I cannot help but keep reminding myself of the Jeremiah verse about how God has planned out our lives for us to prosper. (Please see previous post if you haven't already!)
I start work on Tuesday and would so appreciate your prayers!!! Thanks again for all of your support.


  1. Good reminder Bek as I've walked through similar feelings about life as I've seen God bring me through healing this Holy Season. I didn't fast for Lent, but I have rather focused on the sacred words, "and with His stripes, we are healed..." and have prayed to know God's healing. I too, have had to learn to rely on God, but for this healing rather than a job. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, as they seem to resonate with my own. I'll put my thoughts on my blog later. CONGRATS! So happy for you to begin your new adventure.

  2. WOW! what a week of emotional rollercoasting :) I love you Bek! and it's so awesome to be able to witness all the things God is doing in your life and how He is revealing Himself to you. I know the journey is hard...believe me...I'm in it still, but God's grace is rich and His faithfulness remains! CONGRATULATIONS on your new job! You are going to rock it!
