My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

Monday, April 25, 2011

Top 10 things I will miss about unemployment:

I'm a list writer. In many ways, I love to write lists so I can cross them off when I complete tasks. I love writing lists of the things I need to work on or complete by the end of the week, month, and year. (see that list there?) My brain organizes information in that way. I often have to process through a list of friends or activities to remember some minute detail that I was searching for to remember. I don't want to forget all of the enjoyable things about this long period of unemployment, especially since I will most likely return to this state one day. I want to focus on the positives as a reminder to myself and others who are going through this stage.

The top 10 things I will miss and have loved through unemployment:

10. I will miss sleeping in! I have truly enjoyed the option to stay up later and sleep later. My body will quickly adjust and I will soon reach "old lady" status again of going to bed before or by 10 and waking up at 5:30, BUT I do love and will miss my bed. :)

9. I will miss the opportunity to take as much as time as I want to plan my meals and make them! Over the past month, I have truly enjoyed the opportunity to look over recipes and take time making myself a delightful lunch or scrumptious dinner; sometimes spending hours doing so.

8. I will miss my random day trips up to Trinity. Over this past school year, I have visited my friends at TIU on several occasions; sometimes with little to no warning. These have been some of the greatest and most challenging times over the past year involving conversations that have completely changed my direction or thought of direction.

7. I will miss the ability to be available to talk on the phone whenever my friends can! Lauren could literally text or call me at any point and we would talk while she was in the car driving to babysitting, school, etc.

6. I will miss my comfy clothes! I hope they have casual Friday but that doesn't mean I can come to work in my pjs.

5. I will miss watching tv or movies randomly in the middle of the day if I want to. Although I didn't do much of this except for the occasional movie, I won't have the opportunity to watch too many episodes of Arrested Development or Modern Family at 1 in the afternoon.

4. I will miss Wednesday mornings. These were mornings often spent by myself as my mom was away and Tim was sleeping. They were times of quiet and peace, especially when I stopped watching tv.

3. I will miss Facebook. I know this may seem trivial to you but communicating with people is what I do. I love having random Facebook conversations with old friends, new friends, old coworkers, and acquaintances. Communicating is a part of my daily life and I will miss the constant ability to do so via Facebook and Twitter.

2. I will miss tutoring my first graders. Since February, I have had the opportunity to tutor 2-5 hours a week at a local Kindercare. These children have brought such a joy in my life as I have spent an hour working on their school work. Someday I see myself returning to this job and maybe working on it full time, or as full time as I want it to be. This full time job right now will help me pay off my school loans and then I can return to what I really want to do.

1. I will miss the randomness that my day involved. Sometimes I spent all day looking for a job. (Top ten things I will not miss!) Sometimes it was organizing my room, hanging out with a friend or my sister, shopping, working, shredding, sleeping, reading, etc. I did enjoy the flexibility that I had during this time because when I graduated college, I jumped head first into the campaign and my internship. God gave me this time to teach me a lot about patience, waiting, depending on him, and more. I know I will keep learning these things and other but it will look different now that I have a consistent schedule, which I am very excited about at the same time!

Please Remind me of this post if in 7 months I am looking for a new job!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. :) All those things are very nice! You could alwasy move to part time then you could have teh best of both worlds :)
