My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

My nephew Isaiah (aka Zae) and I

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Interviews are like first dates...

For all of you that are going through the job interview process like me:

Ok, so I had an interview today with Allstate for an assistant type of position. And as I've gone through the long process of interviewing, I've realized its a lot like going out on your first few dates. Both are neverwracking, possibly life-changing, possible rejection, worry, anxiety, loss of sleep, and first impressions. Mentally preparing for an interview is much like preparing for a date. It is constantly on your mind (when you go to sleep and when you wake up). You go through possible questions and answers to these questions. You freak out, stomach is turning in knots, you prepare your outfit before hand (possibly even buy something new). Ultimately you go into the said interview and/or date and most of your mental preparation is not used. You don't go through your greatest strengths and weaknesses like you thought you might. Or in a first date, you don't go through all of deepest fears and accomplishments. You do end up covering a few vital pieces of information, put yourself out there, and then it's over.

Now it is time to wait. I sent the proper thank you email (in a date, this may look like a text but same concept). The advantage of a date is you may receive immediate feedback as to whether you are going out again, or you may not. Most job interviews, at least in my case, I wait. You sit there fidgeting at your phone waiting for them to call or checking your email every half an hour. Maybe I'm just showing some of my neurotic behavior here but I think we can all relate. Just like a first date could be life changing and you end up dating/marrying the person, a job interview could lead to a life long career, or at least satisfying for a period of time. It can also result in rejection of the job and it is passed along to someone "more qualified." First dates can result in a similar type of non-life changing result. The parallels are astounding in my mind.

Today I went out on a first date with Allstate Insurance. I'm currently in the neurotic behavior stage as I wait. If you I don't get the job, I know it will hurt a a little bit. I may even cry (Shocker, I know!). But ultimately I'll move on and hopefully have another one. I'll let myself go through the grief of rejection for a little bit and move on, this may be a day or a few minutes. Thankfully, I can then hold onto the promise that we are given in Jeremiah 29:11 which says, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Friends, thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement while I've been going through several "first dates" these past 5 months. I truly would've crumbled without you. :) *Like a cookie*